
美国 IAoTh 共融与特殊教育 专业大专文凭 (在线课程)

此课程为期 ,是由 美国的 国际治疗师公会 (International Association of Therapist – IAoTh认证的 全纳和特殊教育 专业大专文凭课程,体现了全纳教育领域是基于深入探究和研究为基础的教育。研究表明,世界上约 10% 至 15% 的儿童和青少年受到心理健康问题和精神发育障碍的影响。基于以上现象,该课程以最新研究循证实践为基础,以及多个案例研究的证实和支持,使学生能够理解理论并实践。通过这种方法,学生将发展关键技能,同时研究与全纳和特殊教育政策、教学方法以及无障碍设计相关的历史和当代问题,以克服残疾。本课程的专家带来了广泛的知识和实践技能。这将指导、支持和提高学生对课程每个模块的深度学习和认识。该级别将为参与者掌握处理与日常生活相关问题的知识和技能奠定重要基础。本课程也让学员深入了解诊断、识别、评估和支持儿童和成人病例的原理和实践。 学员将学习知识和技能,以对诊断和评估测试结果进行分析,以及撰写诊断报告。 学生还将了解不同的干预和治疗方法,并学习干预和治疗程序规划的技能。

该大专文凭代表实践知识和技能的能力,在学术方面评估为等同于三年学士学位。它是 美国专业机构 国际咨询师和治疗师公会 (International Association of Counselors & Therapists – IACT) 会员资格考试的认可的 ‘敲门砖’文凭。持有该英文授课专业大专文凭 的毕业生可以豁免最多 3 门 IACT 考试模块。IACT 会员都持有美国从业资质, 需要满足会员资格培训课程要求和通过严格考试。 

IACT 会员的 3 个资质分别是 ‘初级(credentialed)’、‘中级(registered)’、‘高级(board certified)’。‘高级’ 从业资质课程和考试测评要求较高,拥有协会的最高地位。持有从业资质会员方便移民,可在多个国家就业,如北美州、亚洲和欧洲国家等。IACT 从业资格证提供该专业人士权威的知识、技能和自信,服务和给予特殊人群专业及全面诊断测评、干预和治疗方法。会员有权威资格在世界各地设立治疗诊所中心或特殊教育学校。

Merlion Academy 持有督导和核实 IACT 学员作业和文章的授权资格,以让学员获得 IACT 从业资质的学院。学生会员也会受到 IACT 新加坡和马来西亚分会的学术支持

本课程的学员必须完成每年的的 4 个模块,每个模块含有 4 个单元,一年的课程有 16 个单元。

Unit 1: Introduction to Major Theories to Child Development

Unit 2: Developmental Delays in Early Childhood Development

Unit 3: Theoretical Models of Learning & Memory

Unit 4: Meta-cognition – Gateway to Improved Learning Outcomes

Unit 5: The Underlying Idea of Inclusive & Special Education

Unit 6: Disability – Inclusive Developmental Approach

Unit 7: The Practice of Inclusive & Special Education

Unit 8: Disability-Inclusive Development Approach

Unit 9: Fundamentals of Universal Design

Unit 10: Domains of Universal Design

Unit 11: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Unit 12: Assistive Technology & Formative Assessment in UDL

Unit 13: Theories and Theorists of Intelligence

Unit 14: Introduction to Broad and Narrow Abilities

Unit 15: Mental Potentials of the Mind

Unit 16: The Magnitude of Memory

Unit 1: Pre-screening: Observations and Documentation

Unit 2: Screening as Part of the Assessment Framework

Unit 3: Screening Assessments: Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation

Unit 4: From Response to Intervention (RTI)  & Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS ) to Formal Referral

Unit 5: Introduction to Nosology & Nosography

Unit 6: Disability Categories & Their Subtypes (including twice exceptional)

Unit 7: Range of Learning Disturbances

Unit 8: Range of Behaviour Disturbances

Unit 9: Collaborative Consultation and Its Stakeholders

Unit 10: Case Management: A Service Delivery Model to Support Learners with Disabilities and Special Needs

Unit 11: Collaborative Consultation & Co-teaching for Learners with Disabilities and Special Needs

Unit 12: Development and Function of an Individualised Education Program (IEP)

Unit 13: Treatment in Inclusive and Special Education

Unit 14: Allied Treatment Professionals for Learners with Disabilities and Special Needs

Unit 15: Evidence-based Interventions (EBI) for the Classrooms

Unit 16: Diagnosis, Label, Self-image and Stigma

Unit 1: Assistive Technologies: Level the Playing Field

Unit 2: Assistive Technologies: From Low or No Tech to High Tech

Unit 3: Overcoming Barriers to Assistive Technology in the Classroom

Unit 4: Frameworks for Evaluating Assistive Technology

Unit 5: The Cost of Reading Failure

Unit 6: Cost Realities of Inclusive and Special Education (ISE)

Unit 7: The Economy of False Hope

Unit 8: Progressive Universalism and the Return on Investment (ROI) in Early Intervention

Unit 9: Impacts of a Pandemic for Learners with Disabilities or Special Needs

Unit 10: Relevant Curriculum in Inclusive and Special Education

Unit 11: Is Inclusive Education for Everyone?

Unit 12: The Future of Inclusive and Special Education

Unit 13: The Fundamentals of Educational Research

Unit 14: Qualitative Methods for Research in Inclusive and Special Education

Unit 15: Planning for Observational Research

Unit 16: Mini Observational Research Project

测 评 要 求

  • 测评基于课程作业和编写文章,没有正式考试
  • 完成指导学习时间:每模块 120 课时 (每年 4 个模块共 480 课时)
  • 阅读和撰写文章:每模块 120 课时 (共 480 课时) 

入 学 要 求


17 周岁以上


中专 或 高中 以上


1. 培生线上英文测试 (Pearson Test of English) 51 分以上; 或

2. 英文雅思 (IELTS) 5.5 级 (阅读和书写的都需 5.5 级); 或

3. 托福 59 分

3. 其他同等英文水平

学 费

(无退还一次性报名费 SGD 95.00)

课程费 (每个单元)

SGD 2,250.00 

作业批改费 (每个单元)

SGD 200.00 


Stripe / 信用卡 / 支付宝


90% – 开课前 28 天外

50% – 开课前 28 天内

10% – 开课前 3 天内

  0% – 开课后 3 天后

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